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Inspections Plugin

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Inspections Plugins is a plugin which enables users to perform regular inspection on vehicles.

Inspection plugin can work both online and offline.


installation of Inspections plugin is possible through the Admin App Or through 'Plugins' sections directly on INC2 app.

In order to install the app through PLUGINS, the user must have Plugins Management plugin installed.

After installing

Once the plugin is installed on the account level, all of the users which belongs to the account will see the INSPECT button on the vehicle details screen. By clicking on the button, the user starts a new inspection.

Inspection Landing Screen

Once the user clicks on the INSPECT button, he will land on NEW INSPECTION page.

when landing on new inspection page, none of the elements (Tires, vehicle, spare tires...) should be selected.

The set of the buttons which will be available for the user might vary by Flavor, Plugins, Selected elements and so on.

Basic Inspection Buttons

Top Bar Buttons

The following buttons are available on the top Navigation barː

Button Name Condition
COMPLETE Button will be available for all users.
PAUSE INSPECTION ONLY for users with Pause Inspection Plugin added and installed
BT Available for all users on all platforms - not working on PC (no functionality)
Magic Wand - Bulk measurements Available only on Test environements
BACK Available for all users
NEXT TIRE Available for all the users - visible also when tires not selected
ADD OBSERVATION visbile Always
MOUNT TIRE For spare Tireː Only if its the first inspection
DISMOUNT TIRE For Spare Tireː Only if tire is mounted on the position and its the first inspection
ROTATE TIRE - Not visible, If the following plugins are Installedː

Advanced Tire Mileage Tracking

- Not Visible, for the following flavorsː

MS, MFS, MARC, MCSN (dealer and dealer admin roles)

REPLACE TIRE - Not visible, If the following plugins are Installedː

Advanced Tire Mileage Tracking

- Not Visible, for the following flavorsː

MS, MFS, MARC, MCSN (dealer and dealer admin roles)

Inspection Main Vehicle Card

Button Name Condition Description
Inspection Date Always Visible Date Picker
Vehicle Mileage Always Visibile Opens Vehicle Mileage Modal
Vehicle Button (Vehicle Scheme) Always Visible On Click - show info in the Vehicle info

side bar

Tire (Normal) Always Visible and Always Mounted - Normal tire can't be dismounted.

- On Click, show info on the inspection

side bar

Tire (Spare) Always Visible. Can be mounted or


- If not Mounted, On click there will be no info

- If mounted, shows Info on the inspection side bar

on click

Axle Always Visible On Click, show info on the inspection

side bar

Comment Always Visible MAX LENGTH = 1000

Inspection Information Bar

Button Name Condition Description
Vehicle Info Visible when Vehicle button (Vehicle Scheme) is selected Opens Vehicle Edit modal
Copy Over Vehicle Visible when Axle is selected Copy the axle values to all the axles on the vehicle
Tire Pictograph Visible when tire is selected Opens Tire Inspection Modal

Multi Vehicle Inspection

Add Vehicle Button

If required, the user can add additional Vehicles to the same inspection.

by using the ADD VEHICLE button the user will be able to search and add vehicles to the same inspection.

Noteː the user can add vehicles ONLY individually, and not by multiselecting from the search results screen.

on the search results screen, The user will be limited to select vehicle only from the same level (Location level).

the user should not be able to add into the multi inspection vehicles with ongoing interventions like paused Inspection or saved SR.

Editing and Removing Vehicles from the multi-Inspection

once a vehicle been added to the inspection the user will be able to remove the vehicle or to edit and inspection it.

In order to remove the vehicle, click on the X button. once the user clicked on the remove button, the inspection will be auto saved and the inspection status will be changed to AutoSave (tcInspection.InspectionStatusEnum = 3) [1]
